Teaching: min
Exercises: minQuestions
1. Presentations
- Theory lecture “From Fewest-Switches Surface Hopping to Surface Hopping including Arbitrary Couplings and a Brief Overview over Practical Aspects”
- Hands-on task sheet “Preparation of Surface Hopping Trajectories with SHARC and OpenMolcas”
- Theory lecture “Excited States with Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory and with Linear Vibronic Coupling Models”
- Hands-on task sheet “Preparation and Execution of Surface Hopping Trajectories with SHARC and Linear Vibronic Coupling Models for Sulfur Dioxide”
- Application lecture “Trajectory Ensemble Analysis with SHARC”
- Hands-on task sheet “Analysis of Surface Hopping Trajectories obtained with SHARC and OpenMolcas”
2. Installation and execution
The SHARC package can be obtained from https://sharc-md.org/ and https://github.com/sharc-md/sharc/tree/master/bin. Please see manual for details on the general installation procedure. For installing pysharc, you can check the instructions on https://github.com/schnarc/SchNarc. However, if you do not need the machine learning packages, then you can create a simpler anaconda environment like this: “conda create -n pysharc python=2.7 numpy scipy h5py six matplotlib python-dateutil pyyaml pyparsing kiwisolver cycler netcdf4 hdf5 h5utils gfortran_linux-64” This anaconda environment is already installed for the Workshop.
3. Videorecordings
Afternoon, July 7 section
- Zoom recording
- Webcast
Morning, July 8 section
- Zoom recording
Afternoon, July 8 section
Key Points